Kotokukan Budo Rengokai 古徳館武道連合會                                   "Hall of classical virtue martial arts association"

Our Ipswich Kokamishin ryu Aiki Jutsu - self defence club was established In 1985 by inspector Mick Miles


 Kotokukan Dojo news

Senior Kotokukan Dojo student 

Aaron keeble receives his Shihan and 6th Dan promotion which was awarded at the recent kodo butoku renmei taikai held in sicily.

What is Japanese self defence or Jujutsu ?

Japanese Jujutsu is the original school of Japanese self defence which is still  taught today and is real self defence, which should not be confused with the techniques taught by sporting clubs today.  The reality is that on the street there are no referees and a tap out won't stop an aggressor causing you harm.  In contrast a correctly applied self defence technique will.

Where does our genuine Japanese self defence system originate ?

Today the martial arts world has been saturated by teachers many are very good but there are way too many that teach a mixture of things they have seen online, read about or have made up themselves, and tend to pick techniques that look good in a demonstration and will impress would be members.

At our club we only teach authentic Japanese Ju Jutsu that has been passed down from teacher to pupil for hundreds of years.  We take the lessons learned from the past and show students how to apply them in modern day self defence situations. 

The curriculum of  Japanese Jujutsu was developed by the samurai Martial scientists group (Sogo Bujutsu) during an unusually long period of civil war. The term jujutsu translates to flexibility of mind. The original art contained three elements which were striking, grappling and the use of weapons of all kinds, these skills were used in combat as one complete system and produced some of the most formidable warriors the world has ever seen .

Jujutsu techniques do not rely on physical strength alone but rather use an attackers own energy and power against them if and when it is possible to do so.

​The objective of Japanese Jujutsu is to defend yourself and those around you against aggressors who in some cases may be armed

​Strikes, throws, joint locks, choke holds etc are all used strategically so that a smaller or weaker person can defeat a larger, more powerful assailant.

Japanese Jujutsu is perfectly formed for modern self defence situations

​Students learn to cope with a wide variety of self defence situations in a safe and friendly atmosphere.​

Small weapons like knives are hard to see in a self defence situation. So Japanese Ju jutsu strategy always assumes that your attacker is armed, and the techniques cater for the worst case scenario by default.​

This approach is as relevant today as it was in historical Japan. It is a sad fact that many attacks involve punches, kicks or strangulation and sadly knife attacks are becoming more usual. Authentic Japanese Jujutsu is one of a relatively small number of martial arts that covers the full range of self defence situations.

We would always advise avoiding any type of confrontation as far as is humanely possible as what can start as a seemingly minor exchange of words or gestures can very quickly escalate into a very dangerous situation therefore the only sure way not to get hurt is not to get involved in the first place. However this is not always possible and the knowledge of Japanese Jujutsu techniques may help to get you through.

Learning Authentic Japanese Jujutsu with us  brings with it the benefit of internationally recognised Gradings.

We have a full syllabus to teach our members and if you are prepared to train regularly and diligently you can progress through various belts up to and beyond the coveted black belt in fact you could go right up to 10th Dan which will take many many years and only reached by very few people.

Our chief instructor has been fully vetted by the British martial arts and boxing association and has a verified grade of 10th Dan and has been DBS checked, hold an instructor insurance policy, is first aid qualified, holds a safeguarding in martial arts certificate plus others and is very experienced in teaching martial arts.

 Lloyd Allum - Hanshi - 館長 Kanchō .


  • Chief Instructor.
  • Head Family (Soke) Kokamishin Ryu Jujutsu Judan 十段 ( 10th Dan).
  • 10th Dan  十段  Aiki Jujutsu Kodo Butoku Renmei. (awarded by Stephen Grayston Meijin,  Bill Stockey Meijin, Gary Stringer Meijin).
  • 10th Dan Aiki Jutsu British martial arts and boxing association registered and fully verified instructor.
  • 9th Dan Hanshi Nihon Aiki Jujutsu Nippon Seibukan Academy, Kyoto, Japan. (awarded by Yasuo Kawano Kancho).
  • 8th Dan Hanshi Nihon Jujutsu Nippon Seibukan Academy Seibukan Academy, Kyoto, Japan.
  • Hakkoryu Jujutsu Menkyo Kaiden.
  • Registered teacher and licenced to run a hakkoryu Dojo and a direct student of Nidai Soke Okuyama the present headmaster of the famous Eighth light school of martial arts Omiya , Japan.  Allum Sensei has been awarded the prestigious title of Menkyo Kaiden Shihan Hakkoryu Jujutsu, (presented personally by  Nidai Soke Okuyama at the Hombu in Omiya, Japan). Allum sensei is also a registered Hakkoryu Shiatsu practitioner.
  • The UK representative of Soke Don Phillip the present Kamishin arts Soke.
  •  5th Dan Menkyo Shihan Kanda Ha Kamishin Ryu Aiki Jitsu.(awarded by Soke Don Phillip headmaster of Kamishin arts).
  • 3rd Dan Toyama Ryu Based Iai Jutsu .


                                                                                            Senior Dan Grades at  the Kotokukan Dojo.


 Aaron Keeble - Shihan.     

  Authorised Instructor.

  •  6th Dan Shihan Kokamishin Ryu Jujutsu.(award by Lloyd allum Hanshi Head master of Kokamishin ryu Jujutsu).
  • 6th Dan Shihan Aiki Jujutsu ( Kodo Butoku Renmei). Awarded by organisation president Stephen Grayston Meijin.
  • Godan Renshi 錬士 (5 Dan master) Nihon Aiki Jujutsu.
  • 3rd Dan - Nihon Jujutsu - Zen nihon Sogo Budo Renmei, Kyoto, Japan.
  • 1st Dan - Hakkoryu Jujutsu, Omiya Japan.
  • 2nd Dan Shorinji Tetsuken Kanda Ha kamishin ryu Aiki jitsu.( Signed and authorised by soke Don Phillip).


        Stephen Shaw.  

  • 3rd Dan - Kokamishin Ryu Jujutsu.
  • 3rd Dan - Nihon Jujutsu - Zen Nihon Sogo Budo Renmei, Kyoto, Japan.     
  • 1st Dan Shorinji Tetsuken Kanda Ha kamishin ryu Aiki jitsu.( Signed and authorised by soke Don Phillip).

         Steven Lane .                                   

  • 4th Dan - Kokamishin Ryu Jujutsu.
  • 2nd Dan- Nihon Jujutsu - Zen Nihon Sogo Budo Renmei, Kyoto, Japan.
  • 1st Dan - Hakkoryu Jujutsu, Omiya, Japan.
  • 1st Dan Shorinji Tetsuken Kanda Ha Kamishin ryu Aiki jitsu.( Signed and authorised by soke Don Phillip).


Special Note Regarding links with other dojo.

Neither the Kotokukan Budo Rengokai or Lloyd Allum Hanshi has any Martial art teaching or professional connection  with  the following Dojos:-

Jikan Budokai Leytonstone, London.

Daiwa Ryu Aiki Jutsu Schools.


Jushinkan Dojo.


The above Dojo's are not authorised to teach or grade students in either Kokamishin ryu jujutsu or Hakkoryu Jujutsu.

or Shorinji Tetsuken Kanda Ha kamishin ryu.

Come and learn real self defence which is effective and can be used anywhere .

The Kotokukan dojo is a traditional and variation system of jujutsu, this means that we keep the Japanese traditional aspects alive but we always focus on how to use these techniques in real life situations. This was always the intention of the original teachers of Jujutsu and in order to achieve this we have to change and move with the times.

  • Adult only classes (over the age of 18).
  • Suitable for men and women.
  • Learn to defend yourself against attacks involving kicks, punches, grabs, strangulation, knives, pieces of wood, baseball bats e.t.c.
  • Feel safer when out and about.
  • Learn how to be aware of danger.
  • Feel more confident and have more self esteem.
  • Get more exercise.
  • Feel less stressed.
  • Meet new friends.  

Did you know that traditional  jujutsu has many health and wellbeing benefits ?

The regular jujutsu aerobic exercise can help you live a longer and healthier life , jujutsu exercises will give you better flexibility, will reduce stress, the aerobic exercises of jujutsu can help to lower blood pressure and build body strength, regular jujutsu practice can help get your mind back into sync and alleviate sleep problems as well as making you feel better about yourself and overall a happier more confident person.
Come and learn a genuine form of the amazing Japanese martial art of Jujutsu from your local Ipswich based Jujutsu - self defence club.

New members are always welcome anytime no contracts. (Pay monthly and cancel anytime).

Kotokukan Budo Rengokai.

The Kotokukan Budo Rengokai was created with the purpose of teaching and preserving traditional martial arts of Japan, we seek to provide top class instruction and certification in the martial arts that we teach and we are committed to do this in an environment free of politics or prejudice of any kind.   

Lloyd Allum Hanshi is ranked and holds the relevant Menjo (certification) and teaching licence in each of the arts we teach, he is one of the most experienced and highest graded martial art instructors in the world including Japan.

The Kotokukan Budo Rengokai is a registered member of the British martial arts and boxing association which acts as our governing body, all members are registered and insured correctly through them.

Kotokukan Jujutsu gradings and certification.

If you are looking to achieve rank and advance in a real Japanese Jujutsu style then look no further.

The Kotokukan Budo Rengokai  is committed to teaching only genuine verifiable Japanese martial art systems with the intention of passing on traditional teachings by using the original Waza and Kata lists for the particular style that we are teaching . The rank certificates that we issue are only issued to those that demonstrate the high level of technical ability required for each belt level . In this way we can ensure our members eventually become  fully capable, knowledgeable martial artists of the highest standard.

What makes us different ?                                 

There are many things that make us different from the Mc Dojo , Joe Bloggs 25th Dan etc.

Jujutsu is not a sport and thus we do not enter or arrange competitions, it is mistake to believe that sport oriented jujutsu schools are the real deal when the reality is that by definition sport is conducted under rules and regulations and where jujutsu is concerned all but the safe and point scoring techniques have been removed, that is not to say it is not useful for exercise and fun to participate in such activities, but it is not Jujutsu or fighting in the real world where there is no referee to save you from serious harm.

The biggest and notably significant difference is that our school has kept a connection with genuine and active martial art schools and teachers in present day Japan, this brings with it many benefits not available elsewhere, our members benefit from the following:-


  •  Tuition by one of the worlds most experienced and highly regarded teachers.
  • We are the Kokamishin Ryu Jujutsu school world headquarters Dojo. (Hombu)
  • Hakkoryu membership card and registration number issued at the Japanese headquarters.(Hakkoryu members).
  • Tuition by a registered Hakkoryu Menkyo Kaiden Shihan who has been taught and tested at the Hombu in Japan and issued with a checkable shihan registration number and card together with an official dojo operators licence.
  • Tuition based on genuine Japanese issued technique lists. These lists ensure a genuine style of jujutsu is taught. (Remember anyone can teach you anything they wish, this could be things they have learnt or even made up themselves.)
  • Grading certificates issued in Japan fully authorised and signed by Nidai Soke Okuyama, Head of the Hakkoryu Jujutsu school.(Hakkoryu members)
  • Membership of a fully licenced and approved British martial arts and boxing association school.
  • Access to experienced instructors.
  • Invitations to seminars both in the UK around the world including Japan.


Dojo History

Our school of martial arts that was founded in 1985 by Sensei Mick Miles and was originally based at Suffolk police headquarters (the Ipswich kokamishin Ryu dojo) , Sensei Miles was the leading student and chief instructor of Kokamishin Ryu under its founder Col R. J. Hobbs. The school has slowly grown and now includes several martial art diciplines, these include Kokamishin Ryu Jujutsu  - Hakkoryu Jujutsu -Toyama Ryu Iai jutsu giving members the chance to learn varied and interesting techniques and skills.  The school was renamed in 2014 to the Kotokukan Budo Rengokai.

Chief instructor Lloyd Allum - Hanshi.

The successor and head (Soke)of kokamishin Ryu Jujutsu was named as successor by Col (retired) Sensei Hobbs who founded the Kokamishin Ryu Jujutsu art (founder and Soke).

Sensei Allum who is the current president and founder of the Kotokukan Budo Rengokai is an original student of Sensei Mick Miles, who was a direct student of Col R.J. Hobbs.

Sensei Allum is a licenced Hakko Ryu Jujutsu Kaiden Shihan.

Hanshi Allum is an officially appointed teacher of several arts which are taught at the Kotokukan Budo Rengokai Dojo.

Martial arts we have been taught over many years and are officially licenced to teach .

Soke Don Phillip kaicho and the named inheritor of  Kanda Ha Kamishin Ryu Aiki Jitsu has recognised Sensei Allum as a certified teacher and the UK representative of Kamishin Kai international, this is a great honour coming from Soke Phillip who is one of the few remaining original students of Soke Albert.C. Church the founder of Kamishin Ryu.

Sensei Allum is also a student of the prestigious Nippon Seibukan Academy, Kyoto, Japan having been ranked as 9th Dan - Hanshi  in Nihon Aiki Jujutsu and is the current chief instructor of the Nippon Seibukan Dojo UK  Nihon Ju-Jutsu department. The organisation was set up specifically to preserve and protect the traditional Japanese martial arts of Japan including Okinawa.

Kotokukan is the only dojo in the UK officially authorised to certificate in either Kamishin Ryu Aiki Jutsu or Kokamisin Ryu Jujutsu all ranks issued are on official Kotokukan Budo Rengokai certificates which carry the relevant seals and the signature of Lloyd Allum Hanshi. Anyone seeking to verify certificates that have been issued by other organisations should contact Lloyd Allum Hanshi using the email address given at the bottom of this page.

Kotokukan Kokamishin Ryu Jujutsu

Gives a good knowledge of Jujutsu techniques that are perfect for use in modern day self-defence situations and is an excellent art for both male and females who find the Kokamishin Ryu Jujutsu style is a very practical easy to learn self defence system.         

Read more on the Kokamishin Ryu Jujutsu page                                     

Kotokukan Hakkoryu Jujutsu

Hakko Ryu Jujutsu takes a softer approach in its teaching than many other martial arts. Yet once mastered is a very powerful self defence system which utilizes advanced knowledge of the human body mechanics, pressure points and weaknesses, thus allowing the exponents to overcome much larger and stronger assailants.

Read more on the Hakkoryu Jujutsu page.


Jujutsu training at the agricultural school  in Japan 1920


Training with us at the Kotokukan Dojo Ipswich.

We have a lot of fun whilst training but in the interest of safe practice as well as respecting the traditions of the Japanese martial arts, Kotokukan members wear traditional white Gi and black hakama (once members reach black belt level and above).

Dojo etiquette (Reigi).

We use a traditional Japanese Dojo etiquette in our dojo which creates a nice training atmosphere with a proffesional edge.

Reigi is the proper manner in which to conduct oneself in the dojo, with our sensei and fellow students .

Conduct in the Dojo

• Arrive early and be prepared to start practice on time. If you are late, stand quietly by the side of the mat until the instructor signals that you may join the class. Then thank him or her with a standing bow. If you have missed the warm-ups, take time to stretch in a quiet area of the mat. Never train without warming up. Afterward, approach any student and ask to join them for practice. Never step onto the mat without the permission of the instructor.

• Avoid leaving early, you should stay on the mat until the class is finished. If you need to leave early for some reason, please get the instructor’s permission in advance.

• Stop and bow when entering or leaving the dojo.

• Greet everyone at the first opportunity, especially the sensei . Examples: ohayo gozaimasu (good morning), konnichi wa (good day), konban wa (good evening).

• Pay respect to everyone when departing, especially to the sensei . Examples: arigato gozaimashita, it means thanks you. (For the training you just did)

• When addressing the instructor, use the title sensei.

• pay attention ; listen carefully to instructions, and respond promptly.

• Be aware of instructor members and follow their lead.

• Be aware of new members and take care of them.

• Always sit or stand properly when in the dojo. Do not slouch or lean against anything.


• Wear your keikogi and hakama neatly.

• Do not wear jewelery during practice and keep your fingernails and toenails clean and cut short in order not to hurt your partners.

• Wear clean zori outside.

• If you have received a rank, wear your Obi it is disrespectful  not to do so.

Conduct during Practice.

• Before  practicing with new partner bow to them and also when finishing training with them or changing partners.

• Perform ritsu-rei (standing bow) and za-rei (seated bow) properly. Hold the bow briefly before returning to your original position.

• Practice diligently. Do not sit down during practice. Do not engage in idle conversation. 

• Apply yourself whole heartedly to learning, and to improving your JuJutsu to the best of your ability.

• Leave your water bottle at the back of the dojo against the wall .

• Don’t drink when the instructor is teaching.

• If the class has started and you have no partner, Please just say to a pair onegaishimasu”, then join them.

• Do not take videos or photos during the class without asking permission from the instructor.

• When the instructor is teaching please focus on his or her instruction it will contain safe practice advice.

• Before and after practice, please join in putting mats out and away in a positive manner. We appreciate your help clean to up the dojo in which you have practiced after special training days.

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